Saturday, January 12, 2013

Dear Arianna, January 12, 2013

Dear Arianna,
    As I am writing this, you are not even home.  Your Titi and Uncle surprised up by taking the family out for lunch today and we went to Las Fuentes.  My tummy was very sore from the day before since I ate fried food and pizza on Friday, and it made me feel really yucky.  Luckily, a big pot of Mexican chicken soup made me feel better.  You ate the traditional Mexican meal of chicken fingers and French Fries.  You wanted your cousins to come back to your house afterwords, but it was their cousin Jojo's birthday  and you wanted to go along.  So after a very delicious meal, you hoped into your Uncle's minivan, and went off to the party.  Mommy called Titi Alma about an hour ago and you were playing ping pong at the party.  We are not sure when you are coming home, but parties with your Uncle's family usually run late, so hopefully we'll see you soon.
    I don't have a photo of you yet today, and truth be told, your Papi's brain is a bit frazzled right now.  I just switched insurance for the new year and my prescription refills are in limbo until Mommy can straighten them out for mew on Monday   That means the pill that keeps my brain firing off normally has run out, and I am not feeling too well.  I just have to make it though the weekend, and things should be better on Monday when I can take it again.
    Mommy told me that the Three Kings had forgotten to bring you the My Little Pony train set that they had promised you for the Epiphany   Luckily after we left you with your cousins, Mommy and I were able to get in touch with the Magi and they told us that they were sorry, but had delivered it to our garage instead of our Christmas tree.  So, thee will be a surprise gift for you waiting for your return   (It will be a surprise of course, because you will get to open the present before you read this letter.)  We do hope you like it, and that is the picture I want to take of you today.  Since I don't have a picture of you yet, here's a picture of you on New Year's Day with Ian and Turlough:

    I hope to see you soon.  I miss you very much.  The house is just too quiet without you, and I need my couch snuggle-buddy.
