Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dear Arianna, February 19, 2013

Dear Arianna,
    It's Tuesday, which means it is one of my two least favorite days of the week to go along with Thursdays, because these are the days I hardly see you.  You were very happy to go back to school today after having Monday off.  Since your cousins are all in the CPS which was on strike this school year, they didn't have President's Day off, so you didn't have any kids to play with yesterday.  You were especially happy to see Phoebe so you could play with your My Little Ponies together.
    You were up and sleepy by the time I got home just past 10:00 PM and it was nice to see you and Mommy, and especially nice that Mommy had made a nice Mexican salad for me instead of my normal late night Lean Cuisines.
    One thing that I was really thinking about tonight was how creative you are.  You like to take objects around the house and make things with them.  A perfect example is the paper man you made today with some USPS flat rate boxes and some memo pads we found.  It doesn't matter what we have around the house, you will make something of it, and I find that amazing and wonderful.  You have a great imagination and are very creative and don't always have your nose stuck in front of a screen, and all of those things, I think, are fantastic.
 The Mailman
    There never seems to be enough time left in the nights these days, but I love you and we'll see what episode of Mythbusters we watch together tonight.
