Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dear Arianna, March 14, 2013

Today we stayed by Titi's a little longer because you wanted to play with your cousins.  As I was waiting I decided to have my nails painted, and I ask Titi if she could do it for me.  I don't normally do stuff like that. I guess I am not that "girly", whatever that means... My mom once said to me, I wish you had just a little bit of your sister in terms of make-up, getting all done, etc... But I am not like that.  I seldom put make up and the type of job I have makes it harder for me to do that.  I don't even remember the last time I wore a dress? You in the other hand, love dresses, and I love to buy them.  Your red dress that you wore for your Abue's birthday is one of your favorites right now. You said you like that one because Abue really liked it.  I think you like it too because when you twirl it goes really wide, and looks awesome! I don't know how you will be later (when you grow up) but you have a very eclectic love to be a girly tomboy :) and that is alright with us.

This is the red dress!  I know it is a big hard to see...