You were a bit sad this morning when I dropped you off for school. Since I swapped my work from home day from Friday to Wednesday to take you to the dentist, I wasn't going to be able to pick you up from school today, which is a big part of the reason why both of us like Fridays so much. Also, your friend Phoebe goes to three-day-a-week preschool, so she wasn't in class today. You cried and clinged on to me a lot but Mrs. Hughes took you to the window so I could drive around in my car and wave to you before I went off to work, and I imagine that your friend Skye was helping you to feel better after I left.
Right now, as I write this letter, Mommy is my guest writer for yesterday's adventures of Valentine's Day, since I was away at school. What I can say is that you were a whirling dervish when I came home at around 10:00 PM last night, and it looked like you had run your poor Mommy ragged. I was very tired and cranky and you can pick up on my emotions so easily, so both you and Mommy left me alone to cool down. I am sorry about that. Only three more weeks of this to go, thank goodness, but I am glad I am taking the class and am learning things that will help Daddy with his job.
We picked you up from Titi's house where you were playing with all of your cousins and spending forever at finding your right shoe tonight when it was time to go. Titi Alma thinks that you hide them on purpose since you like playing with your surrogate siblings. When we got home, you wanted to snack on your Hawaiian bread and decided that goofing around with your bread would be the pictures you'd like to be remembered by today, so here they are.
Now, you have wound down for the night and Turlough and Ian responded to your call and you are all falling asleep together on the couch while watching "Peppa Pig". It is a wonderful Friday night when our little family is all together. I am so glad Mommy was not hurt yesterday in that car accident that just missed her. I couldn't imagine life without my girls.
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