Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Dear Arianna, February 5, 2013

Dear Arianna,
    Today was a forgetful day.  The only thing I did manage to do this morning besides get you fed was to brush your teeth.  When it came to getting your snack and lunchbox out of the refrigerator and into your backpack  or getting the bills I needed to mail, forgetting my phone and putting in my pocket, it just wasn't happening today.  I got you to school and I saw that I forgot your lunch and snack.  I drove home and picked them up along with my phone and the mail.  Luckily, they don't give tardy slips to forgetful Daddies, and I brought your food down to your classroom.  On the plus side, it meant we got two sets of hugs and kisses today.
    I know it was all caused by the test tonight, which I bombed.  I will try again and keep studying  but this has really shown how I do not want to study network engineering.  My passion is certainly not in IT in the slightest.  I think if I am going to focus back on school, it will have to be back in anthropology, which is something that I really care about.
    You were awake again tonight when I came home and while I had a dinner of a pear and some popcorn (I ate a peanut butter sandwich in the car while driving home), we played your own version of the Memory game with the My Little Pony cards that come with your Pony figures.  Mommy tells me you were a bit of a stinker tonight, too.  You keep climbing up on the counter tops and tables for reasons we can't understand, but you do look very cite about it.  Now, you keep asking for one more piece of bread and one more drink to stop yourself from heading up to bed.  You certainly are being a stinker!
    On the photo side, you had your hair in pigtails today and wanted to make sure I got a picture of your curls before we went to bed.  You posed with Turlough, of course.
    I have to study more tomorrow for another test on Thursday, but at least I will home at a decent hour.  Let's hope that my sanity holds out and that Mommy can keep putting up with me for another six weeks.


P.S.  You are back on the counter top, this time to get a glass for your milk.  Time to make sure you have strong bones and teeth!