I am convinced that cold has no meaning to you for as soon as the rest of your cousins, Phoenix, Logan, and Santana, came over, you all headed to the backyard to play in the snow. When Ceci, Lily, and her Mommy and Daddy, Nancy and Andy came, you decided to finally come indoors.
Everyone had a good time. It was very laid back, and the food made all of the adults sleepy. You kids were nuclear charged, though you did calm down a bit and when and Raven started to draw together. Ceci also made you a book about you and her being friends to go along with the flowers that they brought over. I think there was some kind of dessert, but you kids had finished it off long before I realized it existed. So much the better, I need to keep to my food portion control, so I contented myself with some tea.
So the day formally ended the Christmas season, and I'll go for any traditions that carry us through the long winter with friends and fun. We all hoped and prayed for good health and happy times for ourselves and our families, and I certainly hope that this is the case for everyone in 2013.
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