Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Dear Arianna, January 22, 2013

Dear Arianna,
    School has been very tough.  At first I was excited to go back, and to go back with a good friend of mine, but the class has turned out to be nothing more than an eight-week test prep class.  I love to learn, and I feel more like I am just cramming to pass Cisco tests, which is very discouraging.  What makes it even more difficult is that the class goes on late into the evening, often time up to 10:30.  You see, there are some other folks in Daddy's class that haven't worked in IT for very long, if ever, and a lot of questions are being asked about their home computers and networks  and not about the class work.  It makes the class 45 minutes to an hour longer each night than it has to be, so you can imagine how sad I was when I finally made it home last night and you were asleep.
    We only got to spend about a half hour together yesterday, and that was our morning routine of getting ready for work and school and taking you to class.  You were very excited that the book fair has come to school.  You looked at book on Tuesday and you will be performing after church on Sunday  along with us being able to pick up the books that you want.  That should be very fun.
    The only picture that I was able to get of you was with my phone when I rushed upstairs to see if you and Mommy were still awake.  You were asleep, so I went back downstairs and had toast and bananas for dinner. Thankfully, there is only six more weeks of this class and then I really need to decide if I will go froward with the next course or not.  My true educational love continues to be anthropology, and IT, I think, will always be to me the great paying college job.
My beautiful sleeping girls